I've having a doubt that he was swearing like that. I've heard teachers swear, but never that bad. You actually can get him in trouble. If you tell your parents almost exactly what you told us, they can go to the school board. There was a court case, i think it was Tiffany vs. Arizona (or something like that) and it had to do with invasion of property. In the case, a teacher started going through her purse without her permission or anything (wow it's amazing what school can teach ya). Anyway, you can get the vice principal in trouble because that's illegal for him to do that. You should complain to the principal or superintendent though. The vice principal doesn't really have much power. It's the head people that have the power. So yeah, you could tell your parents, tell the prinicipal, tell the superintendent, and you can tell the cops. So yeah, got for it. One last thing though, you might want to leave the "shit ass things" part out when you're telling them because then they may not believe you.
Good Luck.