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  • Geez ass!! It just got there now? Oh well...I'm glad you got it. I had fun putting it together..glad you liked :)
    I'm annoyed at this moment. Jean Paul Sartre was so right. But otherwise great!
    I will try to pop in more regularly x
    A fair consideration is all I could ever ask for, thanks for that and I also wiish you a good weekend, maybe even some romance?????
    I'm pretty sure you are right and it is falling on deaf ears. Not sure why I bother. Prolly a combo of boredom and aggravation with the person.
    You're gonna have to let me know right away if I won anything big. I have a co-worker who drives truck who may be able to shag a run to North Dakota the next Monday or Tuesday. (Might need a ride from there though)
    I remembered the one you posted for Eddo last year... then you made your dream comment, hope this works.

    You're quite welcome, Ali. I enjoy reading all of the posts, even the ones where people don't agree (isn't that the purpose of debate?). But thank you for TJ's Playground. He can get a bit, hmmmm how do I phrase it?, overbearing and repetitive.

    You have a good weekend, too.
    ya know, if you ever decide to go back to that nun pic for your posting picture, I won't object.

    Just sayin. ;)
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