Anna Perenna
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  • Let's dance. You can do a little two-step. I'll go anywhere that you step to, 'cause I'm following you ....
    Good to see you on, not that I've been here all that often. I thought you might be amused by the fact that I use the screen name Nurse Ratched on one of the sites I go on.:)
    I'm well! I'd be even better if I saw you around more often.
    How are you, luv?
    Hey gorgeous! It's been forever since I've logged in. I've sure missed ya!

    How are things going for you? I've been staying super busy at work and dealing with a lot of personal drama, but all is well for the most part. I'll try to check in more regularly, but you know how it goes. Beautiful, smart, popular women like us are so in demand, it's hard to find free time to get our geek on...haha.

    Hopefully we'll be able to meet up in the shout box soon. :)
    I will be headed back to work very shortly and probably won't be around the site too much....awwww.

    Hopefully I'll catch you sometime soon. I've missed ya! :)
    Oh sugar lumps! It is SOOO good to see you are ok! I've been worried about you, lady!

    Television, especially cartoons, can teach us so much about the mysteries of life. A hard "J" it is! :D
    Agreed! For the first time in my entire history on these forums, he's made me realize why an Ignore button could be a beautiful feature.
    I adore people who have a sense of humor about life, love, themselves, a bleached anus and whatnot. Since timesjoke has complained and bored his way into the mix over at the Jungle, I thought it would be a good time to check out other options because he's causing the fun to sag over there like a poop filled diaper. Everyone here seems low key and willing to laugh at one another which is exactly the kind of atmosphere I enjoy. :)
    I learned everything I know from! And I have to say I was REALLY happy to see you active here. I always enjoyed reading your replies over at Off Topic Forum. :)
    Wez, sorry to ask, but while I appreciate your affections of late, I can't help but wonder why/how you all of a sudden decided to be super-nice to me?
    I'm Seventy One Years and Three Hundred and Fifty Seven Days Old. I'd tell you the hours but I'm not even sure I got the days right.

    And I'm rather busy attaching hydraulics to my brassiere........
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