I'd like to thank all of you bastards who just put my younger brother (CatBoy) in the hospital in the last few days. You caused him a seizure that fucked him up pretty bad. Now, thanks to you, I doubt he will trust anyone outside of the family, ie, strangers, new 'friends' for a long time, if ever again. Ok, I admit, I should have been watching him a little closer and not let him into a shithole like this one, but due to your generous contributions of being complete and utter bastards, I found him face down outside his bedroom window, and its a damn wonder he's still alive, but then you wanted him dead in the first place, didn't you? I will be sure to warn others what a damned pit this place is. I hope you are all satisfied. Reply and flame all you like, because I am not coming back here to read your shit. Now you're happy.