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Breakingthehabit_197 last won the day on November 23 2005

Breakingthehabit_197 had the most liked content!


About Breakingthehabit_197

  • Birthday 9/17/1985

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Breakingthehabit_197's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Aww that is so sweet.I love when people post stuff like that on the net.
  2. What is it with people these days? Have the gone mad? Its terrible that these people are killing innocent people.It just makes me want to cry so bad. :'(
  3. That's horrible.Some people are just psycho these days.There is not enough mental hospitals and straight jackets for all of them. I wish there were though.
  4. That movie looks awesome! I can't wait to see it!
  5. Testing on animals is wrong! Why can't they just use mannequins? I wish they would.
  6. I have no tats and piercings at all. I don't plan on getting any cause its too risky.
  7. I like Anne Rice's novels and J.K.Rowling's Novels
  8. I use graphics found on other forums that people are giving away in the graphics section of the forum.I also look on Glitter-Graphics.com for my sigs.
  9. Aww that is so sweet! it feels good to get a hug
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