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brokenangel last won the day on January 15 2006

brokenangel had the most liked content!


About brokenangel

  • Birthday 12/19/1989

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I haven't been on here for so long, I almost forgot how everything worked
  2. OEH! that sounds GOOD. add some oreo's and ice cream to the mix and you got ONE good concossion (sp?). *droooooool*
  3. You guys realize that the CoB is the only one out of ALL the clans/cults/churches/groups that is still going strong? But isn't it also the first one that ever started? plus has any of you seen my chef meteora500? i've been waiting on her for ages
  4. http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b47/_-BrokenAngel-_/PS1.jpg It prolly DOES have a special name.... but to me it's just an 'underbelly piercing'. And I have 6 in my ears, but those are uninteresting. I think people should show off their stretched ears too.
  5. Uhhh...yeah... You're a little lost, I think. the info you just wrote is all pretty much not old news, but it's not new either. It's true. Welcome to LPF.
  6. Hehehe... I wasn't... When I am, you'd know. Plus you're like one of the top LPF news provider people so I'm always thankful for what you guys do.
  7. Oh really?? Well, now I'm not sure anymore, 'cause you remember ass ages ago when he was on Loveline? Dr. Drew said that he would LOVE to have one of Mike's art pieces in his house and Mike replied with: "Actually, I'm thinking about doing an art gallery thing in the near future" or something. I'm not sure, but I think he meant it as a selling type thing. Even if it isn't... he SHOULD be selling them.. He should know how badly people would want his art work by now. And thank you for treating us to an LP show that's nearest to us . That's sweet of you. <3
  8. How nice are these guys that they actually describe the show to us that didn't hear it yet? Thank you Hahninator and Jeezy ^_^
  9. I'm still heeerreeeeee *sends you a bunch of hearts and hugs for being so good in writing*
  10. Oh, that's gorgeous! i bet you're gonna do some serious damage with that ^_^
  11. OEH!! i can't believe you were having doubts in Mikeizzle!! :O :O :O :O. Shame on you. *shakes head*
  12. I have a lower belly piercing, but I don't have my camera with me, so I'll post a pic as soon as i do. Holy crap, Renai, is it me or do your lips look a LOT like Sonny's?! Obviously not only 'cause of the snakebites, but they just do! They're gorgeous! (the piercings)... I think people should add a little personal story to the body modification, 'cause those are usually more interesting than the actual already interesting piercing ^_^... like the surface one. And wonderland, your tattoos kick ass! I love the Alice in Wonderland especially
  13. *gives you a MASSIVE hug* It looks like stuff has been happening to you like everyday and I just felt like you could use a massive hug.
  14. Hey you! We haven't spoken in AGES ... I totally forgot that I can still keep track of you via the LPF journalismeninen... So that's what I shall do. You know what I bet? That ANYONE who spends one day with you, will most likely have the weirdest and possibly most fun day of thurr life. "FREE HUGS" sign?! I'm totally gonna steal that on the first day of school after the vaca!! AWESOME! Man! If you wanna live in the mall, then you should. As long as your having fun and good look on the new job, mmkay?
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