Actually, I believe that people who need to fall back on drugs to make themselves better are weak.
I fuck up your economy? Well, for one I live in a different country so I can't see how that's fucking up your economy. And another, if anything, it's costing the company less. They actually plan for people to take days off, they have a few extra people on each shift to allow for sickness or absence. They do pay me for my days off, but much less than they would if I was actually there for the full day (and seeing as how I'm just a humble truck-driver there, I'm often spare anyway... which means I end up sitting there doing nothing at work even when I attend). So how exactly am I fucking up the economy there?
There's a difference between a work ethic and an insane acceptance of having to go to work every single day regardless of how you feel. Because I do my job well and I work as hard as I can when I'm there (which is the vast majority of the time). So how does that constitute continued laziness?