Embarassing stuff. but he is right...
Adviser tells Bush 'lawyer up' in case Dems take over
Time: Presidential adviser wants Bush to 'beef up' White House Counsel's office fearing possible Dem-controlled House probes
Ron Brynaert
Published: Sunday July 23, 2006
An adviser to President George W. Bush wants the White House Counsel's office to be "beef up" in case a possibly Democratic controlled House pursues a "tangle of investigations," according to a Time Magazine web exclusive.
Near the end of an article about how "the crisis in Lebanon has dragged the Administration into the role of potential peacemaker," Time's Mike Allen reports that the Administration's "outlook" for the midterm elections reads "ominous" for the Republican Party and for President Bush.
"As for Bush himself, he is curtailing his traditional August working vacation at the ranch so that he can barnstorm before the midterm elections," writes Allen for Time.
"Their outlook thus far seems so ominous for the G.O.P. that one presidential adviser wants Bush to beef up his counsel's office for the tangle of investigations that a Democrat-controlled House might pursue," Allen continues.
Lovin' this stuff.... we gonna get that Nazi junkie...