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Dancing Free

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  1. All it takes is for one of those sick bastards to say "i love you" and they belive them.
  2. Thats fukin crazy! parents are weird... how old was he any way?
  3. well what can you do if kids to shag? it my be ilegal but its not like the police are going to arrest somone for having sex too young.
  4. Hmm... are you speaking from personel experiance?
  5. Its sad when young girls puposely go out to get pregnant just so they can feel loved. You also find 16, 17 year olds acctually trying to start a family and planning to get married. This shows the lack of imaturity as they don't realise that no child should have children as thier parents. what is the legal age to have sex in America? over here its 16. the age limit is a sham, some peidos even wait till a person turns 16 just so they don't get such a harsh sentance if they get caught.
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