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  • (oops!)
    And the Easter card was adorable, too.
    Thanks so much, dolly! Luv ya!
    Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!!!
    Those tiles/magnets are INCREDIBLE! What a clever idea. My bf was with me when I opened them and he was blown away by your talent. I already told him that when we buy a house, I am going to commission a painting from you and plan an entire room around the theme.
    You are a sweetheart! And the Easter card wa...
    It's a crazy, crazy world...and I'm crazy for living in it. Hahaha!

    I'm doing ok, but we should definitely have a pow wow soon before I get too stretched for time. I need to get caught up on emkay world, too!
    Hey pretty lady....where have you been hiding?

    Hopefully you're on vacation and doing something grand. Lord knows one of us should....lol. :)
    I just wanted to leave you a message.

    Because I can.

    And sometimes it's nice to see the "Notification" link lit up and you think.....hey, someone gives a sh!t! haha. ;)
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