But you know the best questions will be:
OMG ROB!!!111 ur so hawt will u marry me n have my babys plzzzz
Or some shit lol hopefully it will be monitored like it has been recently with chats and not just next name ask a question. Even though that has benefits too. I'm ambiguous
Are you currently happy? Very
How long have you been official with you significant other? Just over 5 months
How did you guys meet? College
What's the best part about being in a relationship? Spending time with some who actually puts up with me lol
Worst? Erm... being away from each other I guess
First time I heard it, it felt really samey, but I've been listening to it for a few days now and it's pretty good
Fav songs so far are Like You (very sad when you think what it's about), Lose Control & Good Enough.