Well, I did ask Erica very politely if she could direct us to an obit/news report and explained how people are bound to be suspicious given past events.......as a response; she deleted me from her friends list and from Jason's friends list.
Once upon a time I would have been bothered........
Well....something odd is going on as he left his son a message here on 21st January this year: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000124126740&v=wall
Why am I having the most horrible year of my life with Karma dumping on my head at every opportunity? What the heck did I do in a previous life to deserve this garbage and....most importantly...did I enjoy it?
I thought there was a rule here that TJ wasn't to get dragged over here...and if it did people would get banned?
Didn't that happen last time people came over here to moan about the place?
People who live in a society that is willing to accept greater and greater violence etc as the years go by.
Remember the film 'Alien'? When it was first screened, people ran from the movie theaters screaming in terror.....these days it is regarded as barely scarey.