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  1. argh, i have this, i know someone. its ridiculous.... its the stupidest of things... my printer dont printer properly whats wrong with it? YOU HAVE TO REPLACE THE INK AFTER A WHILE DIPSHIT and this one gets on my nerves. can you pritn this form me, my pritners broke. No, i can tprint it for you, i pay for my ink, so why cant you pay for yours so your printer fucking works. If i was ever going to ask you to print something for me, or do me a favour, then fair does... but what can you help me with? fuck all.
  2. sorry, the bit about my friend is a seperate thing that happened to them... not connected to my little adventure
  3. man that shit is fucked up.... damn dude, you win!
  4. its not exactely a porsche... only a ford, bloody 350 to get it sorted... :@
  5. if tht shit was at my relatives funeral.... they would be next in line to be buried
  6. ARGH.... parked my car, went to work, come out of work and some prick has smashed into it and there is now only 3/4 of a bumper on the damn thing... no insurance details, no registration left WANKERS! and then theres my friend, got the details... but the woman has about 20 different bloody aliases and cant get her to cough up.... lives in what's become a pikey area...
  7. swearing just prooves that the people swearing have less patience with stuck up pricks (yes i have no patience) 8-)
  8. ...well said! mariama, ...yes, music is like drugs, music will rot your mind ^o) wtf. Stop trying to insult other people... what makes YOU better than everyone else? from what i have read you'll quickly say 'playing the violin doesnt make you cultured' or whatever... but you missed the part where you point out how you are better? wtf does somes vocabulary and social class ( ? ) have to do with anything in this? just shut the fuck up!
  9. i've had what, 3 posts? and you 'know my standards' ....stfu instead of just reading what the media feeds me, i decided to research what the muslim law actually is, and you know what, it just made me think less of the barbaric culture which endorses such 'punishments'. i completely think religion is outdated, but if there is a god, how can one justify making someone handicapped because someone took a loaf of bread? ridiculous... all this shit about swearing lowering someones depth? how does using expletives make someones argument shallow? i can see how people can get fucked off.... especially in this thread....
  10. School is a pain in the arse. Theres large groups of blacks, chinese, indian and whites.... theres a few people that mix, but if that is so its like, a group of 8 white people and 1 black person. Its not causing any problems to my knowledge but it doesn't look nice and multicultural etc... anyone else have things like this happening? its like when invasion was on c4, the aliens vs the humans....
  11. The whole religion thing is stupid. People should be able to think for themselves. i do believe in morals though, which can be link to religion, like.. don't steal & thou shalt not steal.
  12. argh. this topic bugs me... right. type muslim law/sharia law on wikipedia, you find what the punishments for certain things are... cutting off limbs for petty theft? stoning people to death for adultery? homosexuals - married, he/she is stoned to death, while if single, he/she is whipped 100 times. not violent at all? and the whole thing with the pope quoting something? even if it was a nasty dig at islam. saying they are violent.. how does killing a nun and burning 7 churches show they are not violent? ooo... murders because of cartoons... its ridiculous... religion should be forbidden imo
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