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Jackie Brown

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  1. No Bird Flu in Uk yet, not even in Europe. It killed 60 people in Asia, and 6 birds in Turkey and Romania. Less of the hysterics, jez it hasn't even been transfered from Human to Human yet!
  2. Come live in the UK, we pay 95p per litre, thats
  3. You guys are hilarious! The attrocities in my capital city were horrific, thought of and carried out by monsters, but to simply call all Muslims terrorists is pretty childish and a tad moronic. There are fundamentalists in every religion, look at Hitler, he was a Catholic, he murdered millions of Jews, does that make all of us Nazis? America murders hundreds of innocent people every year. There are bombers in every religion, its their mindset, these people are individuals, they don't do it cause they are Islamic, they do ti because they want to. Islam is not a violent religion, there are just a few disgruntled Arabs out there who are more talked about and noticed than the rest. I don't tar all Americans as being idiots just because half of you voted for that retard Bush. Time to get your heads out of the sand, is attacking Middle Eastern countries gonna make their people think, hey yeah actually America are the good guys, we'll leave them alone. Like fuck it will. Time for a rethink on your foreign policy. Declare war on Islam..... haha, you guys have NO IDEA.
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