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About Katey

  • Birthday 5/29/1991

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  1. Katey


    that is sooooo right vermillion i dont like it so much and it is a love song
  2. off topic, but what's agnostic?
  3. OMG those are really good i like them a lot =) my favorite one is the numb one though
  4. wtf....nsync with guitars what a dumb f*ck
  5. ...thats weird. lmfao i laugh at them
  6. damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn you are hot lol
  7. I am cool biatch!! No j/k actually I'm a loser. Thank you though. :thumbsup:
  8. ^^me. yeah i'm not too pretty or anything but yeah, thats me. Oh yeah and I'm sooo sorry it's soooooo big, but I couldnt figure out how to make it smaller. lol
  9. Sorry for people who disagree but I totally think the white stripes are crap music. nothing more to be said. they SUCK. i dont see creativity in any of their songs. they all sound the same, which all sound like crap anyway.
  10. OMG I TOTALLY DESPISE GREENDAY TOO! oh and um yeah well basically i missed the whole thing because i went up north with my friend, but my mom taped like the last 3 songs with jay-z so yeah.
  11. hell yeah they were i guess i kinda like the elbow one now even though it does interfere with the flames just a lil bit....
  12. Yup they do hear what they want. I mean, all it really is is like, noises and people say they hear words if it sounds even a tiny bit like anythin
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