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  1. I'll go with the chalk one. and I agree with absolutely everything you just said. I fuckin' hate those people... "Do you know of any good movies?" "Yeah, FUCK YOU!" accompanied by a middle finger.
  2. If I recall... didn't Jesus say that god has infinite mercy? If so, why would god have wrath if he has infinite mercy? Explain that one to me.. Oh.. and Jesus also said, God did not want churches. So, these people are sinning by having a church! Fuckin' idiots, I hope they rot in the mass grave we put 'em in. btw, Im agnostic.
  3. Doesn't really shock me, everyone in the Middle-East/Afrika is a terrorist-murderer. Hopefully Bush (or his sucessor) will pull a Nixon and allow an unrestricted bombing campaign on the shitheads that keep messin' with America.
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