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  1. Theres usually a difference between people from northern and southern parts of Africa. NorthAfrica is where the muslims live, need I say more. This has been investigated in my homecountry where they compared criminal "stats" between blacks from countries in the northern parts, and t5he southern parts. Guess who were 3 times more likely than the other to commit a crime? Then add the fact that even the SouthAfricans (not the country, but the location) were 4 times more likely themselves to commit a crime, compared to ethnic Swedes.
  2. Build a 20 feet high concrete wall around the entire middleeast, then send every single muslim home from europe, then lastly.. Leave them alone to kill eachother off. Its gotta suck to live in the 21:st century, when you and your religion hasnt even gotten past the 15:th century. Without the oil, the middleeast5 would
  3. Thats the same religion who just recently executed a women, after she
  4. Seriously master jaffer... are you for real? And more importantly, are your religious beliefs for real? Is islam for real? Good thing I
  5. Just some info on the subject, those are letters, not numbers. Now carry on.
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