My friend who is an APC fan...when we were at college on their official site On 1st April it said that the band was splitting...and then he started to cry (sort of anyway; he was kind of dribbling and stuff). But anyways turned out to be an April Fools.
Either way, I really hope Linkin Park don't split; right now they are my number one source of encouragement. Either way, having divorces and stuff is a personal thing and Im sure it wont affect the band too much. I've given it a lot of thought what it would be like if LP broke up and it WOULD SUCK MONKEY BALLS if they did. The only way I see LP breaking up is if Chester becomes a hardcore druggy and goes out of control (like in his youth??) or if Mike gets the sudden urge to go exploring new avenues of Music...which he's kind of doing with his side-project.
Anyways, give your brother a smack around the ear and show him what for. Linkin Park Forever.