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About Moosespider

  • Birthday 8/25/1990

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  1. Well I haven't posted in a while but since I have something to share I might as well... o.o;; I don't know if this counts as a supernatural experience, but... when I was 3 years old I had surgery to straighten out my intestines because they had tied themselves up in a knot. When I woke up from the surgery I thought I saw an angel next to my bed. It couldn't make out a lot of details, they were sort of hazy and she/he was glowing with a white light. But they had wings, big white wings that were folded up but still took up half the room, and they were dressed all in white. At first I was scared. I turned to tell my mom, and when I turned back the angel was gone. It could have been the drugs they gave me I guess, Mom didn't see them but she says she felt something in the room and she thought it was watching over us. I believed her then and I still do. She is a very spiritual person and even though I'm not as faithful as her I believe in angels and a lot of other beings besides. She said she saw one once too when she was little, and even though I'll probably never see one again I consider myself very lucky. Other than that I have had a few ghost encounters. When I was little and I lived in the house before the one I live in now, which was very old, I used to be able to see occaisonally what looked like a little kid running away from me when I sat outside in the dark, even though I couldn't hear their footsteps. They dissapeared after a couple of steps and sometimes I'd hear people running up the steps from the basement and back and forth in the living room. They'd stop outside my room, walk around in the kitchen for a little bit, and fade away. I think what the little kid was was a ghost. At first I was scared but after a while I wasn't afraid of him anymore. I think ghosts exist, and they are very sad or angry spirits of people that can't find peace. But I don't think they can hurt you, at least, none have ever hurt me. My grandma, who is very superstitious, says I attract things like ghosts and spirits and even if I'm gone off somewhere with friends she refuses to sleep in or stay inside my bedroom for long.
  2. I'm scared of... Spiders, and insects, because of the way they move >.< *shudder* The dark... I know that seems childish, but I can't help it >__> Heights... And like twilightcrimson said, being around people. When I'm around a lot of people I don't know, or sometimes people I do know, I get scared, which makes it really hard to function... I don't know. Like, I'll be afraid, but of what I don't really know. it's hard to describe. yeah, I'm scared of a lot of things...
  3. Ughh... lessee O.o Get better grades... and not fail algebra!! ;_; Dye my hair an unnatural color :3 Get cool clothes that I like, that actually fit and are not girly colors O__o Convince dad to get one of my aunt's dog's puppies ^.^ Continue my story 'til I get to the end (that one's gonna be hard...) Get my upper ears pierced and one day get a laptop of my own... that is not loaded down by my brother's stupid flash games!! -_- arrgg
  4. Cashmire Polowski day (sp?) on Monday, and a teacher institution day here O.o or the parent/teacher meetings, or something -_-
  5. Yay, thank you guys ^.^'' I don't know what you're talking about Heather, I don't put up with you, you put up with me! Thanks for helping me today :3
  6. Uhm... hi, I'm Moosespider, you can call me Alex ^.^ I'm 14 years old and I like anime and rock & alternative music... I'm from the same place as twilightcrimson7 a.k.a HEDER! I love to draw and read ._. One day I hope to be an AUTHOR with thousands of grovelling fans... however seeing how badly I do both that's not a very realistic dream x_x Maybe I will show you, one day... *.* Uhm, so I hope to get to know you, and talk and stuff... Bai ;;
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