I thought this place would be extremely busy, there's a lot of LP Fans walking around. I suppose when your up against a social networking site like facebook it trumps all competitors.
I'm willing to check out anything, it really doesn't matter what it is along as I can get into some sort of grove when I workout. Thanks for the suggestions guys, I'll check those guys out on youtube.
Sorry if this isn't the appropriate forum, but I thought it would fit since this is a forum about other artists other than LP. Normally I just put there entire cd on my Ipod and I'm good.
But can anyone recommend some other good songs that would be suitable as workout music?
Just wanted to say whats up. I'm a big LP fan, my friend got me hooked on them one day while I was searching for some music I could take to the gym. Big fan ever since that day.
how long has twitter been out, I think i been living under a rock because I just found out about a few months ago, and saying a few months is stretching it.