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  1. They have already set up a government which
  2. You took the words right out of my mouth, but you forgot the !.
  3. You've never bought a lotto ticket? Gambling is only fun if you have the money to lose. Go to Vegas for the food the shows and the girls. You’re talking about the state that has drive up liquor stores that pass out daiquiris the same way some places pass out coffee.
  4. A small drink of alcohol cures a hangover better than anything else, as long as it is not done often, as it leads to alcoholism. The headache is part of the readjustment process as your body begins to produce GABA on it's own again. Alcohol serves as 'fake' GABA and in turn your body reads an excess and shuts down production. The next day, the 'fake' GABA is gone, but your body has not yet restarted production.
  5. Isn't it interesting how a white person who insults a black person on the basis of his skin is racist, but a black person who insults a white person on the same basis is proud of his heritage?
  6. This seems really far fetched to me. There are professional labs that screw up finger printing. Analysis usually takes comparison of more than one specific point on the print. Nowadays the analysis is done by computer. I seriously doubt anyone is using your daughter
  7. If she does read the forum, I get the feeling WYPO will be the one in the doghouse tonight.
  8. I am not really trying to knock service in the military. I respect those who serve immensely, but I do think there are two ways of learning. I think having a mix between those who have learned through experience and those who have learned through education makes for a very rich and diverse atmosphere that brings many different views and ideas to the table. This is the idea behind our governmental body is it not?
  9. The job every gossipy housewife dreams of...
  10. This is an obviously biased list, but at the same time it brings up another point. Education vs. Experience. Many of those who did not serve in the armed forces chose to get a college education instead. Many are entrepreneurs, businessmen, and lawyers. Many know the law inside out, and others make a living running corporations and businesses. Does that make them less fit to lead or more fit to lead? Less fit to run a country and make laws or more fit to do so?
  11. Pets are nasty. They get hair everywhere, make noise in the middle of the night, and tear holes in your favorite leather chair. I would get a pet if it was hairless, declawed, defanged, immobilized, and missing it
  12. If you find it, post the link. You have my curiosity up.
  13. I'm not sure what they are called, but it is a recent style. It is like a cross between a thong and shorts. The lace comes half way down the butt. I thing those are sexy. I like traditional colors black, red, and white. No odd or radical colors, like neon
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