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  1. Lot's of time wasted arguing over if it's ok to, and or where to post the ten commandment's, and not enough time spent following them. Funny thing is that a lot of those who whine the loudest about not being able to post them don't seem to believe IN them, for example # 6.
  2. No doubt there are some cops that have no business having that job, but can you imagine what things would be like without them? If you think your being picked on, you might well be, have a good look in the mirror and do a honest self inventory. Could the negative attention you are getting be due to the shitty attitude you project, or could your apearence be the problem? I know that people shouldn't be judged by the way they look, but the reality of life is that it happens.Try making some changes to yourself and maybe things might get better for you!
  3. What we went to Iraq for has NOTHING to do with the reason's given by this Lying president and his cronies. The Downing Street Memo's are proof positive that the intelligence was fixed to support the lies told, as well as the notion that Bu$h wanted to use our military to take down Saddam prior to 9/11. It dosen't surprise me to hear some try to change the subject and divert attention away from the truth by claiming that somehow Kerry did something wrong. This is an issue is that EVERYONE need's to pay attention to regardless of what party you identify with. So far nobody in the US Government or the UK has denied the validity of this memo, and untill they do we need to support an investigation. Go here to send a >>>>>>>>> Letter
  4. Damm, and just when I was starting to wonder about all the pious rhetoric coming from the self proclaimed party of higher morals and ethics this get's posted . Do I see some Hypocrisy ?????
  5. Bu$h can build all the refineries he wants but it aint going to increase the amount of crude available, spending a lot of money to pump more of a dwindling rescource dosen't make much sense. Conserving and funding alternative energy programs would be a better route to take.
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