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  • Hi Wez, congratz to you, hard work is always inspiring, if you work hard enough, you might even turn conservative, lol.
    Congrats!!!! Let me know when the grad party is. I might have to swing by and eat some cake...haha. :D
    I had an awesome weekend - paying for it today, badly. I have the worst headache!

    How have you been? xx
    Thanks Wez... I'm pretty cruddy, actually. I don't usually admit that online but I feel so incredibly cruddy that I just don't care to hide it.
    How's everything with you?
    We went to a Mohican Veterans Pow Wow in Bowler, a place called Castle Park in Green Bay (they have go-carts, miniature golf, rock climbing, batting cages, etc.) and just went out to eat at places, and chilled and swam at the hotel. We had to cancel the House on the Rock thing because of the fraud on my account and just stayed at the hotel we were at an extra day & night. It was still pretty fun and relaxing.
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