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  1. No... I think you guys missed the point. That link I posted earlier. That's the only reason LP gained back the rightful position. =) (hrm, apparently links show up in the same color here. click above, and see pages 6-or-so onward...)
  2. *sigh* *whistles innocently*
  3. Actually, considering as though the link fell into the wrong hands and Evanescence freaks started bitching about it on MTV's site, I closed it down. Now get back to voting for real! (and nobody said I won't give LP the boost when the voting winds down, hehe... it's still there, you just need to exercise your Overture-Facile skills and find where I put the script, it's not very far off, just by one.)
  4. Curious to know who's all using my script... I had it running on a PC last night while I slept, running through TOR and Privoxy (google ftw). But it stopped - yet the numbers kept climbing. This is the only place I've posted it so far, too. Anyone here using it? BTW, Linkin Park is back to 48%/52%!! THEY'RE BACK IN THE RACE, PEOPLES!
  5. For those interested in the script I mentioned before, I've tossed a little something to that exact effect together. It appears that the alternate site which votes get redirected-to behind the scenes, mtvbattleofthevideos.codeandtheory.net, actually has code in place to prevent multiple votes. However, MTV's fatal flaw is that they don't, somehow, transfer this over to the main page. So they hack around this voteonce key, and in effect, they screw up their voting! Sad for them. Enjoy. http://falconfour.com/phpwork/LPDeservesJustice.php I hope with every shred of my being that LP wins!
  6. Hey, Yes, I have no life, so I just signed up to post this. At this very moment there is a huge hole in the REALLY badly coded "poll" that MTV made for this contest. Obviously, by the fact that the comments are broken, they have no care for proper coding or maintaining the site. So noticed the Evanescence losers. And boy are they taking advantage of it. The huge hole is that there's no longer - at least on my computer - any blocking for multiple votes. I've casted about 2,000 votes in the past 2 hours (on-and-off) for LP's kickass video. You guys may want to take advantage of this. The actual poll is located here (it's in an iframe in the main site): http://www.mtv.com/music/battleofthevideos/html/poll.jhtml?pollId=videos0413 Click your selection, get the results, and HAMMER on the F5 and Enter keys - F5 to refresh, and Enter to accept the dialog saying you're going to re-send the POST data (which casts your vote). I'm a web designer... I could whip up some kind of thing but I can't really think of how to pull it off. I could possibly use a Javascript master/slave setup to control a set of 8 windows that automatically cast votes over and over and over... anyone be interested in running it? It does require client computers of course. =) MAY THE VIDEO WITH THE MOST TECHNOLOGICALLY INCLINED FANS WIN! And it's obviously not that lil mama freak. =)
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