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About PTeddy

  • Birthday 8/20/1988

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  1. Mine is the Keith and The Girl theme song. ^^
  2. My head really hurts. I keep getting these damn headaches. And then when I get angry I tear at my hair and squeeze my head and make it worse. It's a fantastic cycle, really. By the way, to anyone here who feels like they're sad a lot of the time, say for a week or more, please get help. As much as it might seem like a good idea at the time to hurt yourself or disappear forever, there's help out there that can make it better. Only you can help you, remember that.
  3. Creepy. Very, very creepy.
  4. Crying and drinking. Best way to spend a Wednesday evening. Everything is such a damn mess. I don't even know where to begin sorting it out.
  5. Crap again. Had another stupid violent moment at uni today. I can't bloody control myself.
  6. Just listen to podcasts, they're 120% better. I am now going to shamelessly plug Keith and The Girl (http://www.katg.com), and Nobody Likes Onions (http://www.nobodylikesonions.com) Enjoy!
  7. Hungry and tired and bored. I hate Wednesdays.
  8. I remember seeing an awards thing back in the beginning of 05, that was crazy. I think I left soon after that, so I can't remember how it ended.
  9. Wow. Really bad all of a sudden. I was just sitting here, about to go into this thread when these horrible heart palpitations started. They seem to happen from time to time, I'm not really sure why. Essentially my old ticker goes really, really fast and I can feel it. FUN! Mentally not feeling so good either after joining a ftm LJ community and reading how far ahead half those people are to me. :\
  10. I'm alright now, at a friend's house doing a stupid physics assignment, but I've managed to hack the neighbour's wireless so I can be on here too! XD
  11. Orange for the win! I always try and choose orange as my team colour in Starcraft. XD Its kind of sad this place is so dead. Back in the day when it used to be 'The Barracks' it was at least a little bit more lively. There also seem to be a maximum of maybe 10-15 active members on this part of the forums, which is also sad.
  12. You're 14, you have many years ahead of you to find a really nice girl who will treat you right. I didn't get into my first relationship until I was 16, and it hasn't been until now that I realised how lonely it can be alone. I guess what I'm saying is, you shouldn't worry too much if she was a bitch about this. It will hurt for a while but in the end you'll feel much better for ending it. Welcome to the club.
  13. I have a friend who apparently just had his first relationship and he's 26. I'm not sure how accurate that information is, but it doesn't exactly surprise me. I wouldn't stress too much about being 17 and without a relationship up till this point, you've still got time before it gets sad. Also, if you're in high school I don't recommend a relationship in your last year. It fucked mine up when she broke up with me 2 weeks before my final exams. Not cool. diana -- Its awful to constantly see all those silly happy couples together, especially when the only people you have to bitch about how lonely you are, are them. I always feel guilty if I mention how lonely I am to one of them, because it seems like they suddenly feel guilty for being happy, and I don't want that. Darknesslover -- Like I said before, if you're pissed at losing some freedoms with your girlfriend, its not worth you staying with her. You have to take the good with the bad for a relationship to work. If she's getting super clingy, it might be unhealthy, but I don't know so I won't comment further on that. Just don't come in here and whine about how much being with someone bothers you, as many of us would almost do anything for that kind of companionship. And thanks for your apology before.
  14. Its interesting that you say you pretended to be 17, when your profile says you're 26. To be honest, I think that if you don't want to be judged on age, don't put your age in your profile. I generally don't judge based on age, but when someone says something completely out of their apparent age-group, its strange. I was very, very tempted to flame you in the lonely hearts thread because you clearly don't understand relationships, and now I know why.
  15. If you don't like relationships, leave your partner dude. There were aspects about being with my girlfriend I disliked, but for the most part I was a hell of a lot happier in that relationship than out of it. Had it been up to me it wouldn't have ended. It is fucking lonely being single, especially when everyone around you is together.
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