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Holy War

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Holy War last won the day on November 15 2007

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About Holy War

  • Birthday 2/20/1985

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  1. Holy War


    47 Used to be a cold blooded killer, he used to not care about the thoughts or feelings of others, he used to kill you if you got in the way...then the movie came out...and turned him into a pussycat.
  2. Yep, pretty good band...though I only have a few select tracks, but do enjoy their music.
  3. Dunno if this is what Azem was referring too, but I do believe this is DeviantArt- http://www.deviantart.com/
  4. Don't give Bush anymore ideas. As has been said she knew the risk involved going back, or at least she should of. As far as I know about her there was a rather large blanket of money laundering and corruption throughout her tenor as Prime Minister. On top of her being in the lead for the next election, it was bound to happen.
  5. There are fights that go on in other countries much in the same only without a ref...Watch Human Weapon, they travel to those parts where it is more brutal than UFC...some parts it's fight to the death, and they've been doing it for centuries. It is respectable, but like with any one person it can get personal quick. The main reason it gets so much flak from the public is because now we are seeing it on TV, in a country such as Thailand it would be common knowledge that these types of fights are being held.
  6. Faith is faith, without YOU it is air...I can go on and on about the failed theories of religion and where they fall to nothing more than war mongering...Holy War is nothing more than one of the problems with religion. Faith starts with a person, if a "God" helps it come out then so be it, but personally my faith is within myself. Oh and the Holy War as a name is a hippocritical statement on religion, as if to justify war in one way or another.
  7. Yes, it takes training and a mental understanding of the different movements incorporated within the realm of MMA. But, you will always have someone saying it's not a sport...hell I don't think golf is a sport, but to each their own.
  8. How does one come to the conclusion that religions are "false"? As in multiple religions? Faith is from the inside, if a "God" helps bring it out, good...but without you it is just air.
  9. I didn't bash a religion...I stated my opinion on the matter and left it at that, if you would like I could go into detail about facts of certain religions...but that is by no means bashing them.
  10. Scientology isn't really a "religion", or I could be wrong...have you seen the mothership?
  11. I actually kind of like that version of the song, the video itself reminds me of some trip on some kind of wonderful hallucinogenic haha.
  12. Indeed. I've tried many religions before settleing on agnosticism, I never tried scientology however. The best religion I came across in my life was Buddhism, because it was the most free. I've been Christian, Protestant, Satanist, and quite a few others that slip my mind at this time (it is quite early here and I should be still sleeping haha), but experience is the best teacher when it comes to religion. However, I also agree on the 'why should we pay to believe' thing too, the one thing I never understood about religion is the money plate 'going towards the church' and going to the church months later and it is still in shambles much like it was when I started going. I'm not here to force my ideas on anyone, but in general religion has caused more turmoil than it has done good (for the most part), not every religion but a lot of them are the cause for war, bloodshed, and pillageing of several villages throughout the course of history.
  13. I think religion in general is bullshit...so scientology is no exception, except it makes me laugh.
  14. The last thing that needs to have a hand in life is the government. The government would be the first to say "let them go" it wouldn't make any sense for the economy to pay for a hospital debt. I understand your argument, but on the other hand your forceing your thoughts/opinions on someone that doesn't want them (much like a governing body over the life or death of someone). If my coma was that much of a burden on my family I would hope they would pull the plug, but knowing how family is it will never come to that...but if I were braindead I would hope they would. Not in my hands to choose someone's mate in life, they chose the greedy one for a reason and should have seen that comeing. The choice should come down to immediate family of course for this reason, but again they can always be just as greedy as a widow.
  15. Honestly I don't know, I personally would like to see Barrack O'Bama get it (he is perhaps the best canidate for the people). But in all honesty I don't know if this country will be ready for that, Hillary is on the same note. I guess we will find out though won't we?
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