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manahoonie last won the day on August 18 2007

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About manahoonie

  • Birthday 7/15/1981

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  1. LET'S NOT LET THIS THREAD DIE AND DISAPPEAR INTO THE DARKNESS!!! I'm still trans-fixed on what I have heard so far...I'm yearning for more! haha.
  2. is ther eanywhere that I could download the other LPF Sessions/mixtapes?
  3. hope i wasn't putting any pressure on ya, or cause too many people getting on ya about it... i was just curious as to how it's coming along!
  4. i'm waiting for an undate as well, but we must remember that he may be back in the hospital again...
  5. how's this coming along? any updates? hope all is well!
  6. just ignore the noob/leech. let the noob/leach get some more posts. let the noob/leech earn his keep. then maybe help out the noob/leech.
  7. to re-iderate others....these things should have had the artwork done BY the artist, not by someone else, and then signed by the artist...
  8. huh???? what does that mean?
  9. especially for $3.oo usually things from japan would be MORE, not next to dirt cheap. seems kind of like the 'Erection' CD, where half of it was Meteora, and the other half some unknown band... AND they've got 61 of them for sale on ebay... http://search.stores.ebay.com/sleepy355_linkin-park_W0QQfciZQ2d1QQfclZ3QQfsnZsleepy355QQfsooZ1QQfsopZ1QQsaselZ229253011QQsofpZ0 in different variations...how about one with Meteora and Hybrid Theory in it too! http://cgi.ebay.com/Linkin-Park-Minutes-to-Midnight-CD-2-Discs_W0QQitemZ130156789089QQihZ003QQcategoryZ307QQcmdZViewItem
  10. ON ANOTHER NOTE.... does anyone have the following show in mp3s 08 31 07 Verizon Wireless Music Center - Noblesville, IN demonoid is down for maintenance or something, and this is the only show that I don't have, *cough excluding the whole Jones Beach thing... i believe this was a show I was having trouble getting before in torrent form, as it wouldn't come up in bittorrent to start downloading...
  11. just an FYI ajay, the different covers for each show were all ones that Jeezy made...the only LP official one is the one, which was on the hand-out that you bought at the show... http://bp2.blogger.com/_XOQd1EqmfLs/RrKPHn3cwgI/AAAAAAAAABs/Hti7vCx7sMU/s1600-h/Cover.jpg
  12. i was wondering the same....
  13. ...or know of any sites that may have similar key commands for other songs in general?
  14. hello. ok. I have searched here, and all over the online search engines, without finding what i was looking for... i am looking for ringtone key-codes similar to the ones found in this thread: http://www.linkinparkforums.com/showthread.php?t=243&highlight=Ringtone the only thing is, I have a Motorola RAZR, and am trying to put in ringtones myself, WITHOUT having to use a computer to go and create them, and then downloading them. My phone has iMelody in it and explains how to imput the notes, BUT I have not been able to successfully get the notes correct... So, if you read that thread, I will re-ask the question... DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE I CAN GET KEY-CODES FOR A MOTOROLA TO IMPUT SONGS?!? someone said that they would look for some, but either they decided not to, or couldn't find any. HELP!!!
  15. so i take it that there aren't any out there?!?
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