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  1. Oh ok I found it anyways i remembered to add REMIX to LimeWire Search xD Anyways Thx for putting up with me
  2. Ive been searching for this for a looooong time, but i cant seem to find it, even on LimeWire ( well i didnt search ALL LimeWire Obviously LoL ) The Song is: Points Of Authority, and its the version of the song you hear in the video-clip, THE EXACT SAME VERSION OF HTE VIDEO-CLIP, ive seen some youtubers videos with that song in them, but they still havent replied where they got it, so im asking you guys, If Anyone can find me the mp3 of the EXACT SONG AS HEARD in Points Of Authority Video-Clip, id be really but really Appreciated Thx. PS: Its Very Easy to Know if its the version im looking for: The Drummer Does a Very Hard Drumming near the end of the song. Just Watch The Video-Clip and youl know wht im talking about http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcrun85fVQQ
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