This is my summation of the events surrounding the disappearance of Natalie Holloway...
First of all, she met the freaky-deeky dutch boys. They partied and the dutch fucks laced a drink, forced her to take, or she took it on her own freewill some xtc or similar drug. She sucked the white boy's cock. The black boys got jealous and gave her some more drugs, forcibly or free, so they could get their cocks' sucked.
Second, she overdosed and fell into a comatose state. They freaked. So Van Der Sloot phoned his pop, who is a lawyer, on what to do. He told them to ditch the body... throw it out to sea or whatever.
Finally, the dutch fucks tossed her cum-filled mouth first into the water and then the rest of her.
The End.
She was sold into a white slavery ring.
If Natalie had been a straight C student, black, and middle class... we'd never have heard of her. Fucking cunts in the media.