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Everything posted by RoyalOrleans

  1. Oh and don't forget... Title Pawning! If they pay on a car long enough! Time to get some instant cash!
  2. I was totally obsessed with that game, but I got better... I'm now a World or Warcraft geek... God! I need help.
  3. And what would you do with nuts, if you had them?
  4. I'm just delighted to see a new avatar. That Link with the Chickens bullshit was fuckin' annoying!
  5. I'm happy, I'm honored to be called an asshole on a site that praises such behavior. Again, a nomination is all I ask.
  6. So you voted for yourself?
  7. Fuck the makers of Coors Beer for being so damn good. Motherfuckin' cocksuckin' limpwristed assfuckers.
  8. Perhaps it's for those silly catholics that have jewish friends who come with them to mass? I don't know... but I do know one thing: I'm drunk and I'm going to have one more before it's beddy-bye.
  9. That fuckin' guy who did all those bad things to other people and then died suddenly. Yeah... I'm glad he ain't kickin' no more!
  10. I hate the following names, in no particular order... Tyler Taylor Troy Todd Dillon Dylan Collin Troy Trevor Wade Quaid Quade Justin Dustin Austin Logan Kevin et. al. Whatever happened to real names? Like William or Wayne or Hank or John? As a society have we become so bored that even our names, family names, hereditarial names, etc have become tiresome or boring? My fist name is a family name, and if I ever have a son he'll inherit the name. It's a good strong, American name.
  11. This should be my selection. RO really gives a two-penny fuck about your moral conundrum.
  12. Despite their ability to make great automobiles, Asians are the most inept drivers on the road. Followed very closely by Indians and Pakistani.
  13. No more WWJD bracelets, bumper stickers, etc, instead replace them with GF paraphenalia and everyone shut the fuck up.
  14. Fuck my insomnia and the hate that it brings.
  15. Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah! Hey, hey, hey! Fuck you!
  16. It's a joke, builder. Weeping Jesus on the Cross! Get a grip.
  17. One can wonder if methane direct from a pig smells like bacon. One can hope... bacon is better than bad, it's good.
  18. I didn't know Canada was attacked on September 11th, 2001.
  19. That's not a golden retriever, you miserable wretch.
  20. Feliz compleanos, mi hermano.
  21. Perhaps we could resort to the fuel source used in Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome. Not only is pigs delicious, but they is a clean burnin' fuel!
  22. Fuck that guy who put the bop in the bop-she-bop.
  23. Believe it or not, the old Sears-Roebuck Catalogue made great TP.
  24. Don't fucking patronize us, asshole. Have a nice time. I hope you fair better than the last ten new members.
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