The contenders?
The Day of Silence - in which gay kids and their friends spend a day being quiet as a metaphor for their harassment and exclusion. The goal is to eventually in a weird, "national day of ___" way, get people to eventually be nicer to them at school. Okay.
The Day of Truth. Sponsored by a religious right organization, it encourages students to hand out cards the day after Day of Silence, saying:
I am speaking the Truth to break the silence. I believe in equal treatment for all, and not special rights for a few. I believe in loving my neighbor, but part of that love means not condoning detrimental personal and social behavior. I believe that by boldly proclaiming the Truth, hurts will be halted, hearts will be healed, and lives will be saved.
There's a problem here, because everyone thinks the other person's "day" should be shut down.
DoS-ers think DoT is illegitamate, because all it's doing is countering their holiday, and despite the giddy-religious cover up, it's basically about harassing and not accepting other students for being different, which shouldn't be condoned in a public school.
DoT-ers think that DoS is providing special rights for gay children, and violating the freedom of speech of christian children... somehow. (Can't see what side I'm on, eh?) They also say that they should be able to express an anti-homosexual view, if other kids are allowed to express a pro-homosexuality view.
My opinion? DoT isn't legit, at least by today's standards. Freedom of speech isn't absolute - it's free as long as you aren't promoting hatred or negativity, EXPECIALLY in front of kids. This isn't necessarily my belief, but things run smoother if we keep it that way. Besides, there's a difference between a "holiday" about not beating kids up in the halls, and a "holiday" focused on making people change who they feel they are.
Your opinions?