Some Guy and all the other cretins here.
Your use of the English language is a joke, sorry but there it is..
I suspect you of being very stupid from birth and no amount of educating
will improve it.
I suspect you of being a darkie showing classic cases of TNB.
I know your young, but this is crazy!
You are so ignorant that you forget Africa is NOT one country!!!
Did you learn anything at school? No I guess not thus the video shop career...
I know Africa is not one country, but it is a Continent, stupid bitch cock. The Continent of Africa has the highest proportion of HIV and AIDs in the entire world, and it should really just be one country, it snot like it is going to desemate the Africoon economics if the whole of spearchuckerdom was merged into one cesspool of a Nation.
I'm not going to do this one for you, I think you should cheak the stats on HIV round the world...I think you shall be shocked...The west is in crisis, and the Muslim countires have the least....
Who the fuck said that muslim CUNTrys had high HIV infection???
So from this we can now definalty say, this is NOTHING to do with colour, but EVERYTHING to do with filthy cultures, who cannot maintain standards, and I'm afraid this DOES include yours...
It may not have anything to do with colour, but fact of the matter is, a white woman is statistically more likely to be raped by a jig, and he is more likely to have AIDs than anyone else. So I correct myself, it is to do with colour, because most Negros are black, LOL
Dont justify yourself to these animals.
We can clearly see who the better educated is here
Go back to your banana tree, ooh ah oooooh aaaah ooooh!