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  1. Fuck Obama and ObamaCare. The U.S. is basically fucked with the choice they have for president. Looking back Obama might not be so bad as what is coming.
  2. I'd hit it. Looking good mama!.
  3. Hahahah good idea!!!
  4. Hey, "Non-believers" I've just got one thing to say to ya... If you're right, then what difference does it make, it wont matter when we're dead anyway... But if I'm right... Well, hey... Ya better be right... ............... I gotta delete my account and go for back surgery and it will be several months, doc says (awwwwwwwwwww huh?)... but I wanted to say that the above statement is right on and I admire your stand. As a Christian and former pastor, I am proud to see you tell it like it is. Lotsa folks don't like me here and I want to stay and play, BUT.. no use cloggin' up the pores, ya know? I may come back when I get my wheelchair spinning! Buh bye to ya... and others... it's been fun. The OLD dude.... DaddyBear:D
  5. It is hilarious how you folks wanna take your toys and hide by locking you little forums... as though anyone really cares. I know a better idea...why not just delete the user account of those you can't run offor disagree with? Hmmmmmmm... works for me. I await.
  6. Of course it is normal. For warmongering drunken Nazis. hole qualifies.
  7. Sure we can. IMPEACH and IMPRISON hole. That's the best start. Now your turn to whine.
  8. I am a great granpaw and my kids and grandkids have called me DadyBear all my life. Sorry if it bothers you that I happen to be very hairy, yes. hole cares less what the Pentegon wants... he is a Nazi drunk gone power crazy. IMPEACH the decider.
  9. There's you a link to the sinking ship's latest rat... hehehe love this;)
  10. I suppose it is just fact that you don't comprehend the news... see the fake war... watch the arrogant hole dance and party while troops die... watch this country go down the hell hole under his "decider-ship"... what a turd. Hey, wise girl, ban me... do you think I give a toot in a whirlwind? Hahahha this is one little puny site...a dot in the scheme of things... we will still impeach your daddy.
  11. Haah yep, that's ye daddy.. our fine upstanding faux-Christian "decider". Guffaw. He will be doin' that from prison cells soon. Join MoveOn.Org (or any of many) and IMPEACH = Save America
  12. Enjoy then. Lord bless ya, lil feller.
  13. Praise the Lord!!!!! Glory! Finally - a kind word! Thanks.
  14. Hahahah good luck on that with this administration that STARTED the war. War never ends. hole in office WILL end. IMPEACH = win war, save lives, gain respect back.
  15. Gonna closeout a "Decider", too! Hahaha IMPEACH AND IMPRISON MoveOn.Org
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