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  1. And the defence team say that that HIV/AIDS is not a deadly disease. Rather, it is a chronic illness. What bullshit. This is murder pure and simple
  2. I can hardly believe this. Faggots in Holland are luring people to parties, drugging them, and then sodomising them while the victim is unconscious, knowing that they themselves are HIV positive: http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2007/06/01/1180205513859.html
  3. Good points AA
  4. I know I'm in the UK, and I'm not gay you dickhead. You really ought to get some good advice on how to organise your business. You might get more paying members.
  5. Well its not the easiest for me dumb arse.
  6. I found this piece of music on youtube. I think it is an anti war song. I would like to know what the lyrics are but cannot speak German. Can any German speakers help ? Here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOa7NK_BGs0
  7. I tried to subscribe to GF. But I am only offered a chance to do this by paypal. So what has GF got against Visa etc ? I dont have a paypal account. Do you want the green candy or not ?
  8. A quick note to point out that shiek-yerbouti, is not sheik-yerbouti. This clown is a gay leftie student, who has followed me here from another debate forum to continue pestering me. He chooses this name to cause confusion. Hopefully the mods will deal with this attempted deception.
  9. Hardly a nazi, you commzi..
  10. They still do. Its just that like here, there is huge pressure on politicians to allow foreigners in, and waste money on foreign aid. Just look at arseholes like Bob Geldoff and Bono pestering politicians to help the third world, with our tax money ! If these jerks really cared for poor people then why don't they stop being millionaires, and give all their money away to the causes they support ? They would rather not of course, opting to pester you and I, whle remaining rich themselves. Fucking hypocrites. They are almost as despicable as their toady politico buddies.
  11. And now, another police officer has beem murdered by an asylum seeker. Tis time in Luton. He also tried to murder another two men.
  12. The Judaists and Christians share the Old Testament. Within those pages both groups are told to kill homosexuals, adulterers diviners of the future etc. Judaists and Christians though, have dragged themselves into the modern world long ago. Accepting that the law of man must take precedance over the drivel in their holy books. I cannot accept that Muslims can follow this excellent example. Their whole religion is built on violence, conquest and intolerance. The prophet they revere was a paedophile,rapist, murderer and terrorist. It is shocking that moslems today wish to live a life like Mohamed. Just as Christians wish to live a life of peace and tolerance, like Christs. It seems to me that some people even now, have not grasped the nettle. We are at war with these moslems on many fronts. One of their strategms is to people the west, and continue with their huge families. We are to be outbred. Not difficult now that our birh rate is falling. In fact I have read that the British will be a minority in their own country in a litle over 100 years. Once they are in this position they could easily out vote us. We may end up with a theocracy, and the end of democracy in the UK.
  13. My reply to this post has not appeared. This has happened elsewhere on this forum too.
  14. I too have read that the disease is again with us in the UK. Certainly some Asians have brought it here. It has also been brought here by Eastern Europeans. It is this last group that is most troubling. The misuse of antibiotics in their home countries has led to resistant strains of TB in this group. Should you catch TB of this type, antibiotics may not cure you, or at least may take many years to cure. I remember reading a few years ago, that in that year, about 2000 HIV positive Africans were allowed to settle in the UK. Why ? They are not here to work. They are here for the free housing, welfare, and more importantly the free health care. And of course it is us, the taxpayer who is being forced to pay for it all. Meanwhile the promiscuous lifestyle that resulted in them catching HIV, they continue, thus spreading this disease among the British populace. Our country is in dire trouble. And of course, if you question what is going on, then you are a racist. What nonsense. Aquae, are you here from SGB ?
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