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shiek-yerbouti's Achievements


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  1. FAGGOTS???? I have never heard of these nutritional meatballs that originate from the Nottinghamshire area ever luring anyone anywhere. I wonder if you can still buy Brains Faggots? Absolutely delicious with mashed potatoes and mushy peas mmmmmm.
  2. I don't agree wiyh you there Sheik I don't think it was.
  3. I see so because Islamic extremists were plotting to bomb installations we needn't worry about the Saudis cutting off the oil. Gosh what fabulous logic, still at least we'll be in the dark anyway. So Hitler isn't a good analogy yet you're talking about banning people their religious freedom? On reflection I'd say Hitler is an excellent analogy. You refer to Henry VIII, how ironic when you consider his daughter used to burn people alive for practising the "wrong" religion. Incidently interesting though your reply was, my question was directed to my namesake Sheik-Yerbouti not you.
  4. Quite nice here though don't you think Sheik? I think we're going to be very happy here.
  5. Are You sure;)
  6. The question was not to you bu sheik Yerbouti, who would expel all muslims. however if you've inisted on answering it I'm still not sure if you'd expel Pakistanis with no links to terror orginisations and have lived here for two or three generations or Saudis. If you were to expel the Saudis retalitory action would be sure to follow not only from Saudi arabis but also from the USA who consider Saudi Arabia to be a major ally. You say the analogy to Hitler is not a good one, I say it's an excellent one, my namesake SheikYerbouti supports an orginisationn who's leaders admire and in the past have openly supported the policies of Hitler, Also we have people who were Christians but have converted to Islam, are they to be expelled too? Your assertion the Muslims "know what si going on" is naive in the extreme. It would be like saying all Irish people knew IRA terrorists during thei campaign of violence. Finally you say you would "consider " bann ing the Muslim religion, it's all so ironic you quote HenryVII. You are obvoiusly against freedom of religious choice and religious expression, in the middle ages religions were banned, people used to live in fear of expressing their true beliefs for fear of persecution, how sad you advocate a return to such times. HenryvII's daughter used to burn people alive for practising thr protestant religion. I have always been against people from the extreme right, your veiws and vision of society reinforces that belief.
  7. Have you ever thought of paying with Reich Marks?
  8. "Commzi" he he he, is that word your own invention Sheik? At least now we can all see you in your true Nazi colours Seig Heil by the way.
  9. Heil Hitler
  10. Oh dear, no answer then, now why am I not surprised.
  11. Just a few questions, supposing you had Muslim familys that had lived here for generations who's say great grand-fathers were from a different country such as Pakistan, which incidently has helped the west to capture Islamic extremists, would you send them back even if they were born here and lived their whole life here in peace? Supposing then that country refused to take them what would you do then? Would you also expel all Saudi Arabian citizens from the UK? If you did I think you could have a problem here as it's certain the oil supplies would be cut off, how would you explain to people why the lights were going out? Would you ban the practicing of the Muslim religion? Even Hitler allowed Jews the right to pray, do you consider yourself more extreme than him? I'd be interested to hear your response to these points.
  12. I would like to ask the Sheik a couple of questions. Would you deport people wh've been born here yet converted to Islam/ You say you would deport people from whwer their ancestors came from, supposing this was say two or more generations back and these countries refused to accept these people where would you send them then? Would you deport citizens of Saudi Arabia? If so where would you buy our oil from when the inevitable happens and Saudi cuts off our supplies, how would you explain this to the people when the lights go out? This reminds me of the very simple policies of the BNP, knee jerk policies with no thought as to the economic or any other consequences. Still when there's no likliehood of ever gaining power I don't suppose it really matters.
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