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About Allied

  • Birthday 7/5/1984

Allied's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I know the difference between mash-mix and remix, http://www.linkinparkforums.com/showthread.php?t=2961 http://www.linkinparkforums.com/showthread.php?t=2844 I just don't want to get tied up in terminology.
  2. My remixes will be on Suprnova radio some time soon, http://www.novastream.org/listen.m3u I'll post an exact time when I know it. Until then, if anyone wants to download them, http://suprbash.org/vip/Hepple/CenturyX_tunes/Fainting.mp3 http://suprbash.org/vip/Hepple/CenturyX_tunes/OSC-Allied_Remix.mp3 http://suprbash.org/vip/Hepple/CenturyX_tunes/Losing_Grip_vs_KRWLNG.mp3
  3. They shouldn't call it a copy cat shooting. Thats dis-respectful to him and columbine. How could he get through the metal detector? Just proves that turning the schools into prisons doesn't help a thing.
  4. Allied


    Looks like chat server has been attacked, That doesn't explain the lp sucks message.
  5. Sorry but I don't keep screen shots. But that is word for word.
  6. Don't worry about Sniper, he's keeping himself busy. See, hes probably having the time of his life trying to hack the site as we speak.
  7. LOTR trilogy. BTTF trilogy. Star Trek First Contact City Slickers National Lampoons Christmas Vacation Aladdin Bowling for Columbine Dogma Shrek Shawshank Redemption Truman show
  8. Avril should have her own thread,
  9. That person isn't a responsible computer user. 1st, they shouldn't have msn, aim and yim running at the same time. 2nd, morpheus, XoloX, and BearSahre are full of spyware knowone should use them. 3rd, Spybot Search and destroy could clean up most if not all of thos browser additions. 4th, msn.com is full of spyware. I can't imagine anyone dumb enough to get their computer that messed up. I see that VMware tools icon in the tray. My guess is that is a demo of how screwed up a coputer can be. As for Firefox vs IE. IE has a better rendering engine that Firefox. Firefox is more secure than IE. So its a judgment call. I use SlimBrowser, which is a skin for IE.
  10. We need a poll in this thread. Avril Amy Lee and Angelina Jolie
  11. 5 guests are reading this thread snipervirus can see this.
  12. It is a shame. I liked Azem. I'll miss him.
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