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About candlelight_chaos

  • Birthday 7/24/1991

candlelight_chaos's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. i really hope i can meet them someday..maybe when i'm old enuff and chaz already playing with his grand children
  2. hehe hi..thanks your sig rocks too
  3. hii..you guys here are really friendly
  4. thanks
  5. oh yea it was 15 of november i still remember it tho it was the most awful day in my life but it wont be if i was at the concert..ohh and what's your name?
  6. hi i'm najah and i'm from malaysia and i am OBVIOUSLY an LP fans i mean a die hard fan but i never get to see them live guess why?my mom and dad wont let me..they've ever come to malaysia...c ya round guys
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