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Everything posted by diana

  1. Breakdown...nice pics...you're a cutie...^^ And cool monitor...I like it... Frib...you got the sun over the night? Damn, I guess I've never realised you're that far to the north...lol...
  2. Uh...I can't wait!!^^ <3 Yeah, I love "I Will Protect You"...and also "I'm The One" which is also at myspace...I just listened to "Evolution" and it's okay... Well...they can't do the hate all the time, huh? And they can't always be old school...I love their old stuff but also their new...they're just amazing... And actually, I can still feel anger in Evolution...so...I guess it could satisfy you... EDIT: I just watched Making of the Evolution and I already love the song, lol...
  3. Nope, I can't see MrsBennington-Delson's sig...and I know I should cuz I always do, lol...you did something wrong...
  4. Ironic - Alanis Morissette
  5. Awww...Mattie...I love my Mattie...he can make me smile easily...and yet make me feel touched...like right now...*hugs*
  6. Ha ha ha...dej nehi...dons sm se učila 7 ur psihe!!! Yeah, I studied psychology for 7 hours today, goddamnit!! Pa sm pršla do dobre polovice...no, za nazaj sm ponovila kar smo se učili čez ceu let...za jutr mam pa še prb 100-150 strani učbenika...snovi, k je u šoli nismo jemali...ampak je ful pomembna za na maturo...dons sm pa predelala prb 200 strani...tak, a veš, whatever...Pišem pa u četrtek...u soboto pa matko, k se je nisn še skor nč učila...in ne vem, kok se jo bm naučila u dveh dneh...u takem shitu sm, ej...
  7. Awww...Foxxy is like such a great writter that I really have to be her fan...^^
  8. Allie...the greatest mummy...^^
  9. Vukovi Umiru Sami - Boris Novković
  10. ...2938...
  11. Ha ha...that's true...but...who cares...?:-P
  12. Jos is so good in spreading the love around...gosh...<3
  13. 9/10...awesome job! Needs a border...
  14. ...2926...
  15. 2 and a half months is something like here in Slovenia...but this year I'm gonna be free for July, August AND September!:party: I also can't give you any suggestions since I'm not following the music scene, lol...
  16. Well...I still kinda like it...but I certainly don't like it as much as I used to...I got to know it better this school-year and...Idk...it's just a lot of studying..., EDIT: Here's a pic from that parade day...I got it today...it's me and my school-mates Neja and Mojca... Well, and there's also Nina by the side... http://www.offtopic.forum/data/MetaMirrorCache/61114ba6647088dda050024a70f885c3.jpg
  17. KMII...hell, it's really been long time... Great pics! The guy on the 2nd from the back is way cute...:o LP_Soldier...you looked great at your prom! Awesome!^^
  18. Chaaaazyyyy!^^ Lovely brushes...nice...
  19. Thank you both...^^ Jos, yeah, I was thinkin about that font...but since I don't have many downloaded fonts, I didn't have many choice...I have to download more... Jojo...well, heh, I like that font and I use it (too) often...other than that reason was written before...
  20. I'm okay, I guess...but I gotta go and study psychology right now...for several hours, lol...not good... And in the afternoon I should study Maths also...damn...
  21. Foxxy!! She's my fox!
  22. 9/10 just cuz of the black text...it's a bit hard to read...great work, though!
  23. ...2907...
  24. Nice...but the colours are somehow bothering me...*shrugs* 9/10
  25. Lol...not the Kitty... 7/10
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