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  1. Brkng_Th_Hbt

    [The (X) Files]

    So... er... Anyone watch The X Files? It's just my favorite show and wanted to know if anyone liked it or even really knows about it, or if they hate it and want to explain why! I received all 9 seasons last Christmas and have been slowly watching. Currently on the 6th. I hear they're coming...
  2. Brkng_Th_Hbt

    ...I have clincal depression?

    My Personal Developement class had to do some research on depression and write two paragraphs. So we go into the computer lab and I go to Wiki, first thing. According to the DSM-IV-TR criteria for diagnosing a major depressive disorder (cautionary statement) one of the following two elements...
  3. Brkng_Th_Hbt

    What's on your Christmas list?

    For those who celebrate it, or at least ask for presents on this day - What is on your Christmas list? (Whether the list is tangible, or in your head.) ;)
  4. Brkng_Th_Hbt


    Anyone heard of them? I watched a music video a long time ago (I'm guessing is was from they're EP), and I was like "Wow, this band is awesome." Well I looked and they didn't have a CD. Well they released a CD a few months ago, and I haven't got a chance to go get it. I've listened to one song...
  5. Brkng_Th_Hbt

    Time for new MP3 Player.

    I've had enough of my RCA Lyra. It only holds like 60 songs, and has a horrid interface. You have to click through the songs. I need something that lets me choose my artist, or genre or sort by whatever. Is an iPod really the best? Anything less expensive? I found this. Looks really slick...
  6. Brkng_Th_Hbt

    Led Zeppelin

    So basically, I've been pretty biased my whole life (about music. But what can I say, I'm young) And I always thought the music my dad listened to (classic rock) was for old geeky losers. Well, I recently took up playing guitar, and while learning guitar, you have to learn things from every...
  7. Brkng_Th_Hbt

    [Ryan's Journal 2.0]

    Well here it is. :) Entry #1 July 18, 2006 Mood: Meh I recently took a personality test... which kinda freaked me out. It has showed me how much of a negative person I am, lol. Here's the results. Meh, I guess it's mostly correct, but very extreme. I'm not that wierd. I LOVE large...
  8. Brkng_Th_Hbt

    Everyone Laugh at the Banned Kid

    I found this amusing. :) A mod banned this noob for picking a fight, then made a thread about it called "Everyone Laugh at the Noob". He even has his pic (he tells why in the post) and tells everyone to have fun with photoshop. And...
  9. Brkng_Th_Hbt

    MS Paint your pet peeves!

    This should be fun. It was at another forum. Pet Peeves are basically things that annoy. Just simple little things that most people don't care about, but drive you crazy. I'll start: There's like two people that do this. NO PHOTOSHOP! Lol.
  10. Brkng_Th_Hbt

    The Return of the Favorite Ramen Noodle Flavor thread!

    Someone made a thread like this a long time ago... and since we have a lot more members, and we all know Ramen Noodles are one of the greatest things ever, I have to make a thread. (Plus the other poll only listen two flavors..) I'm gonna have to say Creamy Chicken. :) And sorry for the...
  11. Brkng_Th_Hbt

    Brad on PRS Guitars website

    Go to, then click "artists" Pretty cool. I wonder if it cycles every week/month or if it's permanent. Watch me be the only person who hasn't seen this.. :p
  12. Brkng_Th_Hbt

    Is there a program that...

    ...separates music from the music video? I swear, the chorus from the song Ride the Wings of Pestilence, by FFTL, is different. And the breakdown at the end is. I like it better. Is there a program like this? More specifically, a free one?
  13. Brkng_Th_Hbt

    What Element Got You Into LP?

    We all know LP isn't just one genre. Well most bands aren't... but anyway. Was it the rap/hiphop influence? The rock? Any other element that they put into their music? What part of LP made you go, "Hey, I really like that!" ? For me, it was mostly the rock.
  14. Brkng_Th_Hbt

    9/11 -- Was it real?

    This is quoted directly from a thread at forums. Due to my lame internet connection, I can't watch the videos. The thread got a lot of replies and such, so I decided to post it here. Source:
  15. Brkng_Th_Hbt

    The Who

    Anyone like them? They're kind of an oldish band. Actually the only songs I've heard are the ones off of the CSI intros... haha. I enjoy the songs and I'm thinking of getting one of their CDs. Opinions?
  16. Brkng_Th_Hbt

    LP Eargasm Moments

    Well I guess you all can guess what an eargasm is? Haha. You know when you get the shivers and your ears go "Yes!" when you hear great moments in LP songs. Or is that just me? :D The bridge for Numb is pretty eargasm. (whoa I totally typed orgasmic on accident and changed it lol) The thing...
  17. Brkng_Th_Hbt

    Your Goals for 2006?

    We have a whole new year ahead of us. So what are your goals for it? Edit: Well after seeing a few people's post, I found that I have some similar goals as them. 1. Get serious with my band. 2. Get guitar lessons 3. Learn to skateboard 4. Get a little bit.. erm.. chunkier? 5. Work out and...
  18. Brkng_Th_Hbt

    Salad Fingers Episode 6

    I can't believe this came out July 24th and I hadn't seen it yet. AND there hasn't been a thread about it. If you're a Salad Fingers fan, you've most likely seen this... but this is mainly for the people who haven't heard of it... ;) hehe. This is the most creepy and disturbing episode yet...
  19. Brkng_Th_Hbt

    I kinda feel bad for doing this.

    The one thing I've wanted to Christmas was a Epiphone Les Paul Studio. It's a really nice guitar for about $450. My parents act like they might not have the money to get it since I'm getting an amp for my old guitar, and some other things for Christmas. I'm guessing they really want it to be a...
  20. Brkng_Th_Hbt

    What's my problem? o_O

    I'm not interested in anyone. I never really have been. I'm talking about a girlfriend...or even a boyfriend for that matter ( :eek: ). I don't want either one one. I am sexually attracted to girls (not guys), but I'm just not interested in having a relationship. almost every guy I know has or...
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