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  1. psychobunnyyel-yor

    pet names you call your loved ones

    I just want to know, people who are in a couple what you call your loves, your boyfriends, girlfriends, fiance(e)s, wifes, husbands....etc...I WANT TO REVEL IN THE CUTENESS LOL! This is the thread to be pathetically utterly in love cos i adore the soppyness.... *squee* AM I THE ONLY LOVEY DOVEY...
  2. psychobunnyyel-yor

    public displays of affection right or wrong?

    Is it wrong to kiss in public, or do you think there should be a limit of how much affection a couple show in public, i personally think it's nice to see a couple in love,but then again i am in love and in a happy relationship and me and chris try not to anger people with public displays of...
  3. psychobunnyyel-yor

    where has everyone gone?

    there's members that i know that haven't logged on in two months, i went off for a while and everyones left on me where is everyone gone to??!?!?!? linkinparkrunaway 1200techniques S.J.Nero stupidsoul1 misspiggy miss shinoda <3 FadedBlue LPfan4lyfe candlelight_chaos i haven't seen...
  4. psychobunnyyel-yor

    I can't think of a title *cries*

    a story me and my friend sarahs writes! YAY! “ROBYN!.....ROBYN!....MOM! MOMMMMMM!” “Calm down mikey, what is it?” Ravyn sighed as she viewed her 10 year old son mikey, her eyes lightened, mikey reminded her so much of Mike shinoda, her husband, currently on tour and she missed him like crazy...
  5. psychobunnyyel-yor

    the little 'chester' on your shoulder

    the rudest, badest, or naughtiest thing you've ever done and do you feel remorse for it? be it pay back, mischevious 'fun', or just a OTT prank, i don't care this is the thread that you can unload your guilty, dirty and hopefully funny secrets :D love the psycho bunny xxxx it's secret...
  6. psychobunnyyel-yor

    random fanfic, no revelence, no political correctness, but that what makes it so fun!

    what happens here is me and my friend sarah are on email messing around and i complain about '>>>>' appearing on my other fanfic when it got sent through hotmail, and having to delete them all, this is the random fanfic that occurs as a result, me and sarah write this through an...
  7. psychobunnyyel-yor

    a story me and darkness ravyn started in Principles of animal science

    "Ravvy?" Mike called in to his apatrment "ravyn?!" "You're back!" Came a squeal, ravyn ran to mike and clung onto him "****, touring sucks when you're not there..." He sighed, he hugged her and stroked her hair gently " ickle tender moment..." Chester grinned, he walked into the...
  8. psychobunnyyel-yor

    yo! it's the personality game!

    this game is to discribe yourself as a person and which lp memba you are most similar too! AND NOT JUST COS U FANCI THEM! i would say i'm loud outgoing dirty minded (my boyfriend says i'm mucho creative) i write (lyrics, poems, stories, fanfic) and i play my guitar and sing and draw a...
  9. psychobunnyyel-yor

    wow an old fanfic, no wonder it sux!

    my fanfic from another board chapter 1 "ok..." joe whispered grinning evily as he, mike and brad watched over the lump of duvet on the top bunk that sighed heavily and began babbling jibberish in a sleepy tone. "ATTACK!!!" joe cried they all pelted the top bunk with snowballs from outside...
  10. psychobunnyyel-yor

    the stuff with the stuff :-/ i know i confuse myslf 2

    disclaimer anything i write is a pile of ****, plz be gentle... **************************************** poetry ****** i can't see, you make me blind struck out by the forces of my mind the rage you infuse is impossiable to comprehend why lie? why pretend? all these differcult times...
  11. psychobunnyyel-yor


    to every1, hi its kels,xcjlkfuiohugryuhghghyurhrgfhgfhgfrgrgegfgfrysdggfgergftereterhgfrhygefhxcgdchgadcvcdgasdgfdftgdetqRSYUAUYSUSHSGGSGGFWFFWFFWFWFWWFWFWFWFFWFWFWFWFWFWFFFWTFTWTWFWTWFTFWTFWTF
  12. psychobunnyyel-yor

    the linkin park warriors of dragon ball z, i know the title sux im workin on it

    disclimer this story is merely fiction it doesn't determine any truths about linkin park as a band except song lyrics and names if chester is really a saiyan warrior and joe is a mutant frog-man well....i'm stunned cos i made it what a coinsidence! ************ prologue ***********...
  13. psychobunnyyel-yor

    a fan fic writers journal courtesy of psychobunnyyel-yor!

    hey psychobunny, im not crazy, who sed am crazy?, im the only one thats not crazy!!!!!!! *holds head, run out of room in a screaming panic* ARHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! leave me alone, they're all staring at meeeeeee! any way that is the start of my journal, im not crazy! many regards and...
  14. psychobunnyyel-yor

    i'm needing inspiration

    hi psychbunnyyyel-yor here i am a fanfic,song and poem writer who has been in hibination, i used to frequent this forum very often but stopped due to lack of computer or internet (**** cheapo parents!) but im back and with more creativity than an average chester bennington so anyone got any...
  15. psychobunnyyel-yor

    in the end by psychobunnyyel-yor

    story deleted
  16. psychobunnyyel-yor

    i made a forum!

    heres my link to my forum
  17. psychobunnyyel-yor

    a cool forum

    join this forum it's cool!!!
  18. psychobunnyyel-yor

    Talk bout the meanin behind the songs and talk about our favourit songs here

    hey i'm starting this new topic to have intelligent conversation because some of you (naming no names) are constantly on about the bands looks and appearence which doesn't matter to me, even though i think chester, joe and mike are hot, i'd be lying if i wasn't physically attracted to them but i...
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