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  1. HybridKris2ffer

    Some Art.. Long since last time..

    Hey all! =) it's a long time since I've been on now.. bout a year or so.. :p well, I'm back now with some art. deleted most of my best stuff tho ='( but it's still something :p I'm especially liking the Fort Minor one at the bottom.. Not meant in a bragging way. My current sig...
  2. HybridKris2ffer


    here is a remix I made very it's not that good.. Papercut/One Step Closer R-MIX it's not that impressive
  3. HybridKris2ffer

    LP videos

    I don't know if this is in the right forum, but if it's not just move it:) Does anyone have any small LP videos, that I can put in my sig? If anyone have and want to share them with me, I would like that very much. thanks in advance.. :)
  4. HybridKris2ffer

    Some of my stuff

    I have made some wallpapers and stuff, so if you like them(or don't) or think it's things I can do better with them so just let me know:) The two first ones I have made a time ago-Nr.1 Nr.2 The Third one I made a couple of weeks ago- Nr.3 The fourth is not good, I just thought it may be...
  5. HybridKris2ffer

    Hello! I'm a bit new..

    HI all! I have joined before, but almost forgot about this site. So I'll introduce myself now. My Name is Kristoffer, I live in Norway and I am only 12 years. (soon 13) So I may have some bad writing:P well, that would be all I think. :D See ya later everyone
  6. HybridKris2ffer


    [LINK IS DOWN] :( .
  7. HybridKris2ffer

    hi! i'm new.

    Hello! I'm new.. well...I joined for month or so.. but I forgot I was a member so I post here now...I'm new and live in Norway.. I have been a LP fan since I was...9 years old I think... maybe 10 years... that should be everything...
  8. HybridKris2ffer

    Linkin Park Wallpaper

    Heres A LP wallpaper I've made. *CLICK*
  9. HybridKris2ffer

    Giving In?

    Hey. I've found a song from Linkin Park that's called Giving In and it standing there that it's from a album that's called The Morning After.. I've got all the albums by LP, but i haven't this 1. Does it exist??? I'm sure it's Lp thats singin' so i just wonder. sorry any spelling or typing...
  10. HybridKris2ffer

    Hello there!

    HEY! I'm new to this forum, but i know how to use it..I'm member in lpassociation forums too. well. anyway i'm a 13 year old boy from Norway. Linkin Park rules!!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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