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  1. DaFozz

    Boehner, Obama relationship tested in debt fight (AP)

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  2. DaFozz

    US review finds Iraq deadlier now than a year ago (AP)

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  3. DaFozz

    Perry stresses personal opposition to gay marriage (AP)

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  4. DaFozz

    Tropical storm teases parched Texas, but fizzles (AP)

    AP - In the end, Tropical Storm Don was little more than summer thunderstorms. Some scattered showers were expected to linger over parts of South Texas, but the area's best hope for substantial rain in months collapsed on approach Friday evening, drizzling the area with less than an inch of rain...
  5. DaFozz

    Dell's 10-Inch Streak Is Business Up Front, Party Out Back

    Dell on Friday launched the Dell Streak 10 Pro tablet in China. This is the company's first 10-inch tablet. It runs Android Honeycomb 3.1. The device has work and personal modes, with a firewall of sorts between them so there's no leakage of information between the two. Source: TechWorldNews
  6. DaFozz

    House approves debt bill; Senate rejects it (AP)

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  7. DaFozz

    Recession risks up amid slow growth, debt standoff (AP)

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  8. DaFozz

    Time Travel a No Go? No Way

    It appears that scientists at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology proved recently that you can't travel faster than the speed of light in a vacuum. That discovery, howled many popular publications, means time travel is impossible. "Impossible," however, is a very powerful word...
  9. DaFozz

    New Initiative Aims to Stamp Out Cloud Lock-In

    Members of the cloud computing industry this week announced the Open Cloud Initiative, a non-profit organization to advocate open standards in cloud computing, at the OSCON 2011 open source convention in Portland, Ore. The organization maintains a set of Open Cloud Principles, adherence to which...
  10. DaFozz

    Security Wonks Urge iPhoners to Patch 'Em Up

    The iOS vulnerability for which Apple issued a security patch on July 25 is very severe, according to security experts who are warning iOS device users to apply that patch as soon as possible. The vulnerability lies in a failure to validate SSL certificates correctly. That lets hackers use a...
  11. DaFozz

    President announces deal to boost fuel economy (AP)

    AP - Ushering in the largest decrease in auto fuel consumption since the 1970s, President Barack Obama and automobile manufacturers Friday announced a deal that will save drivers money at the pump and dramatically cut heat-trapping gases coming from tailpipes. More...
  12. DaFozz

    Economy growing at slowest pace since recession (AP)

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  13. DaFozz

    Delaware man executed for woman's 1992 ax slaying (AP)

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  14. DaFozz

    Debt-limit vote postponed as GOP seeks support (AP)

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  15. DaFozz

    Army: AWOL soldier admits to Fort Hood attack plan (AP)

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  16. DaFozz

    APNewsBreak: Arctic scientist under investigation (AP)

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  17. DaFozz

    Gig U Hopes to Seed Development With Ultra-Speedy Campus Networks

    Twenty-nine U.S. universities are hoping that Gig U, a project that brings ultra-high-speed Internet access to campuses and the surrounding areas, can spur economic growth and research development to their communities. The initiative will arm universities and neighboring hubs with Internet...
  18. DaFozz

    Army: AWOL soldier admits to Fort Hood attack plan (AP)

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  19. DaFozz

    Seeking Tomorrow's Security Solutions Today, Part 2

    A widely held view in the security community is that currently available security technology just can't cope with the new types of attacks being launched on IT infrastructures. Some security vendors, in fact, have acknowledged their inability to fight advanced persistent threats and are calling...
  20. DaFozz

    Google+: A Social Network Even Geeks Can Love?

    Google+ may still be in its invitation-only early days, but with all the wild excitement and skyrocketing numbers of users, it's awfully hard to tell. Quibbles about real-name policies notwithstanding, eager users from virtually every walk of life seem to be flocking to the new social network --...