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  1. snafu

    Birthday girl!!!!!!!

    Ah man I'm sorry emmy! I missed it. You know I love ya don't ya? And I'll never forget it again cause its my moms birthday too! :teehee:
  2. snafu

    my facebook was compromised! I was off for almost a day! I'm breathing ok now

    my facebook was compromised! I was off for almost a day! I'm breathing ok now
  3. snafu

    Starting over in life isn't so bad after all

    Starting over in life isn't so bad after all
  4. snafu

    I need to grab my fishing gear and plane ticket!

    I need to grab my fishing gear and plane ticket!
  5. snafu

    This is the season where I wonder what the hell I'm doing up here in Alaska

    This is the season where I wonder what the hell I'm doing up here in Alaska
  6. snafu

    Oh I wanna go crazy with you

    Oh I wanna go crazy with you
  7. snafu

    Do atheists know more about Christianity than Christians?

    Wouldn' t then picking and choosing the passages you want to beleive make us all agnostic?
  8. snafu

    Do atheists know more about Christianity than Christians?

    Eye witnesses saw him die and was laied to rest. There were no i witnesses of the resurerrection itself. I'm still trying to figure out why he would need a body in heaven. John 3:16 does this make me agnostic?
  9. snafu

    Do atheists know more about Christianity than Christians?

    I believe he is the son of god and was brought to earth to cleanse our souls and give us direction to god. I don’t see why he would need a material body in the after life and being that he was mortal then the body he was in also died and rotted away like all the rest of us. I think the...
  10. snafu

    Im still trying to make it to the finish line.

    Im still trying to make it to the finish line.
  11. snafu

    TYT: Tea party indoctrinating children

    Yeah you can't move your kids from one distict to another up here either. Even when they are on the boarder of the district.
  12. snafu

    Do atheists know more about Christianity than Christians?

    I don't go to church and I don't read the bible but I believe in God. I don't really even belive in the reserection of Jesus Christ but I do belive in Jesus Christ. I am a Christian.
  13. snafu


    yeap same here... Wait my Droid! :sweat:
  14. snafu


    Hugo reminds me of the little first grader kid that pulls on the pig tails of the girl sitting in front of him because he has a crush on her.
  15. snafu


    Apparently there is a fine that’s cheaper than paying for insurance. I think TJ is right in that this is premeditated to get everybody on government insurance. For someone who wants less government I can’t understand why you would consistently ridicule the very group that advocates this. None of...
  16. snafu


    Lies, Damned Lies – Obamacare 6 Months Later; It’s Time to Take Back the 20! by Sarah Palin on Thursday, September 23, 2010 at 1:13pmIt’s now six months since President Obama took control of one-sixth of the private sector economy with his health care “reform,” and the first changes to our...
  17. snafu

    I was thinking the same thing

    I was thinking the same thing
  18. snafu

    The real progressive mind revealed.

    no but the 14 resolutions and 9/ll told him to.
  19. snafu

    What the Mega-Mosque at Ground Zero Means to Worldwide Islam

    Well thats the whole thing. There are so many people involved a conspiracy would be ludicrus.
  20. snafu


    Your so thoughtfull emy. Thats why I love you so much.