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  1. phreakwars

    TYT: Tea party indoctrinating children

    See, ya can't answer it, because your simply WRONG. Again I ask: What CHANGES did the king request from the small merchants? YOU said it. . .
  2. phreakwars

    Funny political picts

  3. phreakwars

    Funny political picts

  4. phreakwars

    Funny political picts

  5. phreakwars

    Funny political picts

  6. phreakwars

    TYT: Tea party indoctrinating children

    What CHANGES did the king request from the small merchants? . .
  7. phreakwars

    Do atheists know more about Christianity than Christians?

    I'm not sure who it is they are obeying, but it sure isn't the guy in the bible. . .
  8. phreakwars

    Funny political picts

  9. phreakwars

    Do atheists know more about Christianity than Christians?

    The local guy is the Reverend... and let's just say, "praise the rev" for having a straight theology (which is what he taught) conversation with me, instead of a religious one involving "god's will". It's too bad more followers of Christianity don't listen. They might learn something, and much...
  10. phreakwars

    Rally in Washington D.C. on 10/2

    Yeah, how dare they leave all that biodegradable garbage lying around. They should have left chemical instead. Now THAT'S a rally. So, BTW, is that all you got? Parroted right wing talking points about trash being left behind? If I wanted to read that same lame lockstep parroted unoriginal BS...
  11. phreakwars

    TYT: Tea party indoctrinating children

    wrong.. If you think your right, tell me what CHANGES did the king request from the small merchants? None. East Indie got the "TAX BREAK" I know you'd like to disagree with me here, but sorry, this is documented history, not boogeyman future scenarios. It was a TAX CUT, not a break. The...
  12. phreakwars

    Race card/crying wolf

    C-span shows no bias.
  13. phreakwars

    TYT: Tea party indoctrinating children

    No, it was about a corporation (east indie trade) getting a government tax break while the small business didn't. In todays times, the East Indies company would be the equivalent of ****ing Wal-Mart. Didn't help that the king was invested in the company either. The east indie company's tax...
  14. phreakwars

    Young Turk Cenk's rants

    So your saying "**** THE ENVIRONMENT" as long as it keeps someone employed? I love how you tossed in the bit about how YOU YOURSELF are being affected personally, and it's of course, all Obama's fault. . .
  15. phreakwars

    Do atheists know more about Christianity than Christians?

    I have no problem at all with Christianity. It's the Christians I don't like. And, I'm NOT an atheist. . .
  16. phreakwars

    Chinese gadgets

    WTF? :huh:
  17. phreakwars

    Chinese gadgets

    Here's another one: Car Key Style Lighter Perfect for would be terrorists to sneak into local/federal courtrooms to light their explosives with. Ya take your keys out of your pocket, toss em in the basket, go through the metal detector, get...
  18. phreakwars

    Young Turk Cenk's rants

    So lets see. A tax on cigarettes and tanning booths... hmm, yeah... real economy destroyers there huh? Why, that's TYRANNY Well, I ain't paying those taxes, are you paying these extra taxes TJ? Come on, tell me, now be HONEST. Are you "SUFFERING" and being OVER RUN WITH TYRANNY? Do you...
  19. phreakwars

    Do atheists know more about Christianity than Christians?

    Just another example of TJ trying to convince himself the findings by pew research are wrong, the reports are wrong. Christians DO know the bible better because they have "FAITH". Faith, of course, is MUCH more relevant then actual literal interpretation of scripture. Mr. Too stupid to...
  20. phreakwars

    Chinese gadgets The Flashlight Ear Cleaner Earwax Remover Earpick Curette Hmm... I'm supposed to stick this in my ear canal? Uh, OK, that sounds pretty safe, right? :blink: Hell, it's only $1.34 . .