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  1. keza

    The Love Topic II.

    *puts a sticker with 'lpfs crazeh kidd' written, on yoor head* lalalala shes roofus haha never been kissed, tis uno funneh film <3
  2. keza

    Hmm.. How to make a good first impression...

    welcome welcome ermm *cant think of anything interesting to say* so *gives cookie* <3
  3. keza

    Member's Pictures 9.0

    whoa that gave me a fright hahaha and even though teh scareh face kmii est still beautiful kaii<3 haha
  4. keza

    Are You a Freak?

    i have it but i dont go on it too often it bugs me abit i always seem to attract scareh satanistic people hmm >.<
  5. keza

    Most Embarrassing Songs You Have?

    hmm lots britney but shes cool haha ermm what is their name bewitched! rawr i loved them for a bit haha samantha mumba s club 7 eiffel 65 spice girls aqua yer someone bought me a mcfly album...>< tuh ooo those people that sung boom boom boom i want yoo in my room...
  6. keza

    The 'How you feelin'' thread v3.0

    *jumps off bridge*
  7. keza

    Current Status.

    FOR THOSE SINGLE: Do you like being single? yer Are you looking for someone? no lol When was the last relationship you were in? ageeees a year i think >.< What's the best part about being single? no effort involved in my part i can be as lazy and self centred in that...
  8. keza

    Book Of Matt

    omGawsh at teh first picture *stomache turns jeest lking at it* lol sounds funleh though matt *nods* there are no fun parks in scotland because scotland is shiteness haha <3
  9. keza

    the keza journal

    woody butterfly wings *lks around*>.< ima kaii tar for asking lol<3 yer twas gdleh i think i cant remember that far back:S fi~yer i putted one up lala need more cuz my lip has actuallee gone back to its normal size now i might buy a hoop tomorrow when ima out if i cba yer *nods*...
  10. keza

    The 'How you feelin'' thread v3.0

    crappeh yer *nods*
  11. keza

    Member's Pictures 9.0

    lmfao thankies people and mattleh i toooollld yoo i didnt get a hoop cuz mon school would grr me shows how much yoo actuallee pay attention to what i say :D R O F L <333
  12. keza

    The Love Topic II.

    is my bish yer <33 haha
  13. keza

    The 'How you feelin'' thread v3.0

    bad actuallee yer
  14. keza

    Member's Pictures 9.0

    riss est uno beautiful yer <333 alison as always is s t u n n i n g <333 kaii its a sign hence teh scribble yer and yer for once my camera isnt ghey my hair is that colour yey :D
  15. keza

    Yacky's Journal=p

    where for art thouuuuuuuuu? weyhey lk shakespearean kaii come back yer:(:( <333 x x x x
  16. keza

    the keza journal

    hehe yer its getting a bit boring yesh? :P hehe they arent realleh jeest a bit getting used to like anything hopefulleh i'll start lking less goldfish like soonish lalala ima off to bed now sleepeh sleepeh nights <33 ilFranka yer ^^
  17. keza

    RIP Steve Irwin

    ima so sad hes dead:( stoopid finding nemo character thingeh ^^ <3
  18. keza

    fastest one handed rubiks cube time....

    haha funneh i cant do thems my mum got me a mini one once so i jeest took teh stickers off and put them in teh order... but yer
  19. keza

    The Love Topic II.

    shes funneh and purty darn tooten hahahaha i like that word
  20. keza

    the keza journal

    at teh side...left hand side to be exact and tis a bar i wanted teh loop but my school would have grred me so ima have to wait till i can change it then hoop lalalala