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  1. Greyfoxx

    MS - Rav's newest story

    oooo this is great mum! can't wait for more
  2. Greyfoxx

    Cold As Life- LPF Family

    Oh shush the lot of ya. Its my last weeks in school and i got tons of things i'm doing before i leave. chillll outttt.... I got some more written, i'll post them asap, but i got a band thing tonight and tomorrow is my concert, so i'm booked until friday, Senior Skip Day, so i'll be posting it...
  3. Greyfoxx

    Oh no, she's back

    I was like 14 when i started...or 13....somewhere around there. Blame david(my brother) for giving me voddie and rum!
  4. Greyfoxx

    Oh no, she's back

    Lol i'm underage too, but that doesnt stop me
  5. Greyfoxx

    Oh no, she's back

    I'm still here...sheeze
  6. Greyfoxx

    What crazy haircolours have you dyed your hair?

    *clears her throat* I've been a Red head Extreme red head Orange hair Blond Dirty dish water blond Brownish Brown & Blond i like being a redhead more than a blond
  7. Greyfoxx

    What Are You Listening To? Volume 5.0

    SOAD- Chop Suey
  8. Greyfoxx

    Oh no, she's back

    thankies thankies *bows* Free voddie for everyone! *throws pints around*
  9. Greyfoxx

    MS - Rav's newest story

    Wow, this is getting SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good..... *smirks* More pwease, and OH! I'm working on much as i can.
  10. Greyfoxx

    December's Shadow

    *sits on the end of her chair* more pwease? I really like this story....kinda reminds me of House M.D. *drools*
  11. Greyfoxx

    Oh no, she's back

    *laughs* Thanks ya'll I'll be on more frequently now. *hugs rave* hi mummy *blushes* I can't believe ya'll missed me
  12. Greyfoxx

    December's Shadow

    YAY! I can't wait for more.
  13. Greyfoxx

    Oh no, she's back

    omg voddie! *tackle hugs Gradon*
  14. Greyfoxx

    Oh no, she's back

    Thats right ya'll...I'm back. I know i've been UBER inactive, but i'm back and i'm here to stay..... Party time...
  15. Greyfoxx

    The 'How You Feelin'' thread v5.0

    I'm tired and sore....YAY!
  16. Greyfoxx

    Confession Corner!

    Done than....i'm using a rubber band to try to deter my cutting.... I confess that i'm now on muscle relaxors cause i shake constantly
  17. Greyfoxx

    What Are You Listening To? Volume 5.0

    I'm So Sick- Flyleaf
  18. Greyfoxx

    Confession Corner!

    I confess that i've started to regress back to cutting......damnit
  19. Greyfoxx

    Member's Pictures 11.0

    (Stacy and me) ((Blurry i know...we were drunk, sue me)) ((yeah another one but you get the just of it...BARTENDER FOXXY!))
  20. Greyfoxx

    Foxx's Poetry Corner

    Dancing with Chains The song of a Masters’ flute The dance of his slave Around the fire they’ll be Tending to each others’ needs If he says to dance for him She will obey his every whim And if she pleases her Master He’ll give her jewels that have luster Dressed to please her lord She’ll sit...