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  1. GhostSnyper

    [Show-Off] My Clan System

    Why don't you integrate the command features in-game to the website? Rather than having internal packet cycles used on those commands and their actions, port it to the website, and have it send an update request to the game server, through database, or http request if you are able.
  2. GhostSnyper

    Naruto Discussion

    The anime sucks, the Manga is pretty decent. So if Naruto's power has only half the Kyuubi's power, then it would have destroyed him long ago.
  3. GhostSnyper

    Avenged Sevenfold - Nightmare

    The album is definitely win. I already want them to bring out anotehr
  4. GhostSnyper

    What is your sexuality

    I think this is a bit unnecessary, but I'm as straight as can be. Anything to do with the pooper is a no go :3
  5. GhostSnyper

    Avenged Sevenfold - Nightmare

    Album came out yesterday. Just may be their greatest album to date. I had 0 issue not loving the hell out of every song on that album. If you're into rock/heavy rock, then you should look into it.