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  1. D

    But why?

    LOl, okay so does that mean i take back my thanks? :D That wasn't rough! it was the truth! trurth is always hard! :P And yes, Love the chester pic, damn he looks hotttt!! hehe! :D Tomer i loooooove ur quote! is this from "live in texas"!! hahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaha it's soooooooooo...
  2. D

    But why?

    Thanks i really appreciate it! and yah ur right, It's school! LOL
  3. D

    Gave In!

    This is one of my songs that i performed with my band "dark haze" on one of our school farewells! I wrote it myself! And NO i didn't lay off the poetry, i still write it, just not done it recently, been busy for exams! *curse the person who thought of the stupid idea of having exams! * I...
  4. D

    Gave In

    This is one of my songs that i performed with my band "dark haze" on one of our school farewells! I wrote it myself! And NO i didn't lay off the poetry, i still write it, just not done it recently, been busy for exams! *curse the person who thought of the stupid idea of having exams!:-P *...
  5. D

    But why?

    Thanks, i have been trying to supress it all in But i guess it just doesn't work! eh,....well u must be right, everything in life has a reason, :). And about what happened to you, I'm sorry, But thank god things worked out for u, i hope they do for me to. And know what they say, a...
  6. D

    I love poetry!

    :lol: HAHAHAHAHA!!! Um....that's kinda the reason i don't write love stories!! :rofl:
  7. D

    I love poetry!

    HAHAHA!!! lol!! :D ur funny! Thank you for linking my poetry 8P LOL!!! it didn't actually take me long to write it....i was actually writting it at 4 in the morning lol. I don't know how...but i do the best peotry at either 3 in the morning or 4! lol. stupid huh?
  8. D

    I love poetry!

    Okayyy so the main reason i actually write poetry is because it helps me get ride of all the problems in my life! so basically all my life problems are in these stanzas!!! :D Here is one of my newest and favorite works!!! :D I don't understand what wrong I've done, In this life from which...
  9. D

    But why?

    I don't get it! It's not fair! my friends have been seperated from me....they have been send to another section in school and i'm all alone!!! BUT the worst part is that i've known em' for more then 11 years and now in the end ther're all against me! :( I don't understand i'm all alone...
  10. D

    i hate being really sucks

    Hiii! hey come on man. don't worry...everything is eventually going to turn up good. There is always a bright side to just have to look that out deep inside you! If you ask me my life isn't that "happy go jolly" either...but all i do is suppress it all in, try it and...