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  1. smurf

    Never Ending Story

    (I have looked and there is no topic like this, but if there is one and I missed it please don't get mad) Anyway here are the rules... This is what you do, I will start a story and you continue it. The most you can add to the story is 3 sentences per post and once you have posted wait for...
  2. smurf

    This or that!

    Righty Linkin Park or Nirvana?
  3. smurf

    Watch the car, an interesting video clip

    Pretty cool huh? lol j/k :thumbsup:
  4. smurf

    Learn Spanish Now!

    I am not racist but the other day I was in McDonadls and I am not lying but I was the only caccausion person in there. And it was crowded in there. All you could here was spanish being spoken everywhere, no english at all. :( Also the cashier could not understand me that well, it took forever...
  5. smurf

    Watch the car, an interesting video clip

    First of all make sure your speakers are on. If you don't have any then that is fine. Once that is taken care of click on this
  6. smurf


    Yes ForgottenKid I have wondered that. lol Anyway thanks to everyone that has welcomed me. :thumbsup:
  7. smurf


    Thanks everyone. :D
  8. smurf


    Thanks you guys.
  9. smurf


    Thank you, I will try to have fun here. :)
  10. smurf


    Hello eveyone, I'm just a little blue guy here to talk about Linkin Park. :thumbsup: Also I am BreakingTheHabits older brother. :) So that will explain why we have the same IP address.