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  1. LinkinPark33Grl


    What Languages do all of you guys speak!?! I speak English, Armenian And im suppose to be learning year... :thumbsup:
  2. LinkinPark33Grl

    What's your favorite Linkin Park dream??

    lol ok...i get lots of dreams.... that one is my favorite..
  3. LinkinPark33Grl

    What's your favorite Linkin Park dream??

    mine was ... i was on the internet and i went to, and i clicked enter, and i was actually over there. then i was in line to pick a number, then a song. when my turn came, i picked a number, and it was "#7, somewhere i belong" by linkin park. then chester was sitting there, but i...
  4. LinkinPark33Grl

    Have you ate something that isnt food?

    Have you guys ever ate something that you werent suppose to eat? I've ate Playdoh, soil, grass, flower, flour, glue :D My first post ever!!
  5. LinkinPark33Grl

    this is just weird

    hey thats in there book! from the inside book i saw it and yeah its pretty weird! but i think its a joke..
  6. LinkinPark33Grl

    Z Trip and Chaz

    oh ok.. i knew that well i didnt....heh i feel sooo stupid! *turns red*
  7. LinkinPark33Grl

    Z Trip and Chaz

    Hey! i've heard there new song and its awesome! "Z Trips new album "Changing Gears" out on April 26th" I hope i get that and april 26 is my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. LinkinPark33Grl

    one of my drawings

    Wow nice drawing you have some talent! I wish i can draw but i always have to make something cricked lol.. but yeah thats awesome!!! man
  9. LinkinPark33Grl

    From the inside of meteora

    I have it and its awesome! there are so many cool pics on it.... and very good explaination.
  10. LinkinPark33Grl

    FTI Book

    Oh i have it! Its soo awesome!!! It has soo many cool pictures and it explains stuff about the band and it says some funny things they do .... its soo awesome u guys should buy it!!